Astrological Website Delivering Visual Excitement and Promises for the Future
Middle East astrologer Tariq Al Saud needed a web presence that was deep in content, easy-to-manage and that possessed an enormous visual impact. The site needed to pair with a yearly astrological e-book that would be available from the site. The site needed to host videos from a Youtube channel and align with a Facebook and social media advertising launch. The 100-page e-book and the website needed to be done in 4 months for a year-end promotion.
Starting with a list of content areas and desired links, the navigation was pinned down to get a hierarchy of the most important elements. Each content area has twelve subchapters to align with the astrological signs. The request was to have the look be deeply mystical but with vivid colors that would draw viewers in.
Aside from the networking challenge was that the active text needed to be searchable in Arabic. The web host service needed to be English based on Eastern language capabilities. Text was carefully pulled from a copy deck to ensure special characters and words did not get scrambled. Final text corrections were made by the client as weekly posts and maintenance of the site after launch would be done by the astrologer.
I trained the content providers on how to execute the various upload features and how to make text changes easily. The book design was a challenge in understanding content areas. There are three sections to the book; history, presented day, and the one-year predictions for each astrological sign. After chapter briefings, a sample astrological sign was used as a template for the subsequent 11 other signs. The graphic imagery mirrored website graphics. The final section of the book could then be updated each year for a quick and easy update.
The end result was a stunning visual book and website. Analytics revealed that it has an international penetration with one-third of the audience coming from the US, 20% from Europe, and an enormous following in Egypt and Iraq(as predicted). Analytics also showed that some of the content was better kept for the book as the main traffic patterns fall into a weekly cycle of looking for the week's predictions and the video content.