Scratch N Sniff
Packaging Design

Stater Bros

New Design to Reflect a New Branding Initiative

Topco & Associates
Designer and production artist.
Tools Used:
Illustrator, photoshop
This was seven year freelance assignment


Stater Bros is Southern California's largest retail store change with over 160 stores. The redesign touched on over 3000 SKUs of products to reflect a new store identity. Stater Bros. have been in business since 1936.

The Process

Topco is a food packaging association (or consortium) with various retail store chains as members. Stater Bros is a member. Member stores buy in bulk from suppliers and package the product under store brand labels. Formulations are similar to name brands as those are often times the suppliers. The store brands of consumer buying alternatives and cost savings. The product may be packaged in different tiers depending on price point AND the type of retailer (if the retailer is a premium store or cost conscious). The packaging must reflect the price, the saving and the quality of the item.

Some items go head-to-head against name brands and the packaging must reflect the quality. Others receive a "local" or "home-grown" advantage if they are from a local supplier. The packaging must reflect the consciousness of the buyer and also keep in the store competitor — such as Target, Walmart or another local competitor chain.

Some items may appear in the store under two or three price categories with slightly different formulations but come from the same supplier and be a Topco/store member brand. A jar of tomato sauce may come in three price categories requiring each  to have a unique look to reflect the price tier, quality, value as well as flavor or package size.

Every there was touched — dairy, cheeses, meats, frozen confectionary items, processed meats, diapers, canned veggies/fruits, breads, spices, salty snacks. Virtually every item in the store was touched. Some product categories received minor adjustments with other getting completely new designs. Over 3000 SKUs of products in a seven-year period.

A small variety of more than 3000 SKU of packages for Stater Brothers Markets

The End Result

The goal was to capture a larger market share for store branded items. Overall, the store saw 14% of sales from store brand items. They were hoping to boost that to 19%. The redesign resulted in a 22% market share and exceeded expectations considerably

In 2019, I was asked to give some items a refresh as new US nutritional regulations required all packages to have new nutrition panels clarifying calories and fats. Stater is also in process of updating the logo and following new packaging trends.


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