Scratch N Sniff
Writing for Hire

SCL CPA Accounting Services

Marketing Professional Service Firms

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Tools Used:
Microsoft word


A three-partner firm needs a website that is specific to their niche market in accounting. The numbers added up to an extensive website with an impact on their SEO.

The Process

Working with the website developer, the designer had a list of content areas that needed to be fleshed out with copy. The goal was to be as extensive as possible in copywriting as to bring up their SEO so they would fall to the top regions of the search areas when businesses are looking for an accounting firm to handle small business.

This firm also had many product offerings that applied to very specific markets like liturgical services for religious organizations and not-for-profits. The firm also offered Quickbooks training to facilitate their client's need to keep the accounting bills small. Much of the content needed to be researched as extensive interviews were not an option. After the initial copy drafts were presented, minor changes were made. The text was handed off to the developer to do coding and implimentation.

The End Result

They have pulled in many new clients that have contributed to their business and added a significant amount of growth to their bottom line.


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