The School of New Learning is a division that lives within DePaul's educational framework that is different from traditional US educational model. It is driven by the European school model that relies less on formalized class structures. It emphasizes individualized learning with goals and objectives set up by each student and advisors so that they receive the skills and learning tools that are necessary for success in their given field. The School needed marketing materials and a course guidebook to explain the program in detail to prospective students.
The educational programs are more aligned with driving a motorcycle than riding the bus. Each program takes an individualized approach to learning with each student required to get an advisors in their field to act as mentors to set up a learning plan to help them succeed. Each must set up their own goals, learning plans, objectives, and deliverables to prove they have learned what they have set out to do.
An initial class lays the groundwork for each student. If the student finds that their learning is deficient in a certain sector, it is up to them to get that education (either as a class, an independent study, an internship, or an apprenticeship). Their mentors and advisors guide them along the learning process to verify the learning. This class needed an extensive guidebook so they could work and understand their learning process. It outlines the rules and guidelines for each student to formulate a plan.
The marketing materials explained what was necessary and was targeted at students that want a specific outcome tied to their individual field of choice. It is a school program aimed at students who are in the workforce, in a profession, or on a career path that they have invested in and want to develop towards the next level. It is not a standardized MBA or master's program. Each brochure, along with the direct mail solicitations, advertising, emails, etc were designed to attract the unique vision and participation of individuals who want to learn in a non-standard educational system.
The results were amazing. Student enrollment jumps by 40% for the academic school year. The School needed to add additional faculty to accommodate the enormous number of students. They expanded the initial marketing materials to two additional academic areas: Applied Technology and Adult Education. Each had similar results.